Sunday, 5 August 2018

solo exhibition - in a lighthouse, on an island!

How to get there - at bottom of this post.

the exhibition:

flight studies, 7th June
pencil, c.15x21cm

flight studies, 6th June
pen, c.15x21cm

(hidden on reverse of) flight studies, 6th June

razorbill on egg, Main Light cameo
pencil, c.15x21cm

shag studies, 7th April
pencil, c.15x21cm

yellow ring, black letters
pencil, c.15x21cm

razorbill & Bass Rock
pencil, c.15x21cm

incubating eider
pencil, c.15x21cm

puffin studies (2)
pencil, 16.5x35cm

Altarstanes to Bass Rock
ink, c.35x18cm

at Lady's Bed
ink, c.35x15cm

Greenface, razorbills watching me
ink, 35x18cm

looking to Bass Rock
ink, 24x28cm

Altarstanes in the rain
watercolour pencil & watercolour, 24x28.5cm

Fluke Street & South Horn,
island moon
watercolour, c.16x35cm

North Horn, looking to Fife
watercolour, c.16x35cm

South Horn & East Lothian coast
watercolour, 15x21cm

where swallows nest
(old lightkeepers' washhouse)
watercolour, 14x14cm

hider eider
watercolour, 15x21cm

Holyman's Road
watercolour, 15x21cm

Low Light, where we stay
watercolour, 15x21cm

island moon
watercolour, 15x21cm

razorbill sundown
watercolour, 15x21cm

razorbill, Isle of May
watercolour, 15x21cm

Isle of May puffin
watercolour, 15x21cm

South Horn, 4th June
watercolour, 24x28cm

sheltering in South Horn
watercolour, 24x28cm

giant's sentry box
watercolour, 34x15cm

Pilgrim's Haven
watercolour, 34x15.5cm

the lighthouse:

How to get there:

from Anstruther

from North Berwick

island links:

more exhibition pics plus follow the SNH Isle of May blog 

SNH National Nature Reserve

Isle of May Bird Observatory

CEH Isle of May seabird research

Fluke Street, South Horn, moon... from top of Main Light having just finished hanging the exhibition.
- Thank you Maurizio!


  1. Lovely collection - it might be a useful idea to include a map so that anyone not lucky enough to know where it is could see location - it would also encourage people to visit perhaps, finding that it is nearer then they think!
