Wednesday, 18 November 2020

2021 Calendar ready to order! £10 per calendar

2021 Calendar - Wildlife
(**Order by Mon 23rd Nov to be certain of me having enough copies**)

My 2021 calendar is at the printer so ready to post around end of November. This year it looks at wildlife and wildlife in the landscape. I hope you'll like it.

- £10 per A4 calendar
- £9 per calendar if ordering 5 or more

- £10 per A4 calendar
- £9 per calendar if ordering 5 or more

+ p&p Royal Mail 2nd Class:
1 calendar - £2
2 calendar - £2.50
3 calendar - £3
4-10 calendars - £3.50
(Non-UK orders very welcome but p&p will be higher)

Calendar is exactly same format as my 2020:
- folded & stapled (not spiral bound this year)
- A4 (21x30cm) closed, A3 (42x30cm) open
- 100% recycled paper/card

**Order by Mon 23rd Nov to be certain of me having enough copies**
 I can increase the print run if necessary as long as I have your order by/on Monday. I will be ordering surplus so if you don't get your order to us by Monday don't worry too much, I will hopefully still have plenty spares.



- Let me know -

- Include your postal address so we can confirm total cost and email you payment details.
Bank transfer, cheque, cash are all fine. PayPal too but we'll add 50p to cover fees.

The calendar paintings:

mountain hare, acrylic, 10x10cm (available)

winter deer, acrylic, 15x21cm

seal, acrylic, 10x10cm (available)

peregrine falcon, acrylic, 15x21cm (available)

small copper, house martin, watercolour, 15x21cm

lesser black-backed gull, acrylic, 15x21cm

priory pursuit, wagtail chases sparrowhawk, acrylic, 15x21cm (available)

wheatear on South Uist, watercolour, 11x16cm (available)

woodpigeon, blue tit, swallow, acrylic, 28x16cm (available)

hedgehog, watercolour, c.17x24cm

brown hare, acrylic, 10x10cm (available)

Earthquake House, acrylic, 10x11cm


Christmas/winter cards

are still orderable here:

And my non-seasonal greetings cards and two non-winter wood engravings from my Etsy shop -


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